Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to shoot fast shutter speeds on my camera at night?

dslr camera lens 101 on Best DSLR Lens : 50mm Lens Is The Must Have Lens In Your Camera Bag
dslr camera lens 101 image


I was shooting a bmx scene at night and i needed a fast shutter speed in order to capture the rider. I had no outside light so i set up 3 freestanding lights that lit up the jump and him in the air. The only problem is he would turn out blury even when i used a faster speed. what should i be doing to help ?

I'll asume you have a DSLR, if not, much of my advice won;t be so useful.

Short of using a handfull of flashes on tripods with triggers, there's not much you can do.

You can increase your ISO, the higher the ISO the more sensitive the sensor is to light but then the images will have alot of noise in them.

You could also shoot with what is known as "fast glass" ... lenses that can open up wide so and fstop of 2.8, 1.8, 1.4, 1.2. There are a few problems with these lenses.

Problem 1: A higher fstop reduces the Depth of Field (DoF). The Dpeth of Field is how thick the area that is in focus is. The wider the lens opens the thinner this field is ... it's not a huge obstacle once you get used to it but when you start it's a little tough figuring it out.

Problem 2: Most lenses that can open wide like this cost a fortune. in the Canon lineup, the typical wedding / event lenses are the 24-70 f2.8 (1500$) and the 70-200 f2.8 (2500$). There is a cheap 50mm plastic lens you can (and really should) get for 130 - 150$Can but it's what is known as a "prime" lens ... it doesn't zoom in or out. It's a great portrait lens but it's not so good as an event lens.

If you decide to get some flashes and triggers, I'd suggest you look at the following site to start This is THE best site for off camera lighting. Their Lighting 101 tutorial is the best place to start.

I would also suggest you get some cheap manual only flashes off ebay (40$Can each) and some cheap remote flash triggers (40$ for a kit of 2 receivers and a transmitter). You can get some lightstands or get some cheapo camera tripods to use as lightstands if you want to save a bit of money. Lightstands are better but cheap tripods can fill in for much less (12$ tripods).

What tools do I need for opening a home digital photography studio?


I'd like to start a small home digital photography studio but with minimum budget (around 3000 $) but I feel its impossible. also What are the main equipments needed plus any recomended websites portrait snaps training?
Am shocked! spending that much? Well thank you all for help and I'll think I keep up with an SLR ( D40 Nikon) alright?

The D40 is a good entry level DSLR. Westcott makes an entry level lighting kit that even has a floormat to tell you where to set the lights. It goes for about 500 for the 3 light set up with stands umbreallas and backdrop. Using the mat you will get what I call the "department store lighting set up" pretty traditional but its a good start and as you learn you can vary the setup. These are not top of the line lights and in a year or two you will outgrow them; but again a goot starter kit. You could do the same things with strobes and lightstands on your D40 . If you want to do location shoots go this way instead of the westcott set up which is better suited to an indoor location.

Next go for a good prime lens for portraits. On the D40 if you get a Nikor 50 mm 1.8 or better yet 1.4 you have a crop factor of a 75mm lens ( which gets you in the bottom end of what is traditionally seen as a portrait lens) and an aperature that will give you good bokeh. The 1.8 can be gotten at a good price the 1.4 will cost you a bit more.

Go to the Nikon site and look at the creative lighting system for using strobes for location portraits. Then invest some time to go to and go thought the lighting 101 section.

Take notes and make cheat cards to remember what lighting setups worked well with your equipment. If you look a picture, find you really like it, and do not know how you set it up on lighting position and ratios its hard to re-create the effect on demand

With digital its 0s and1s so the cost is minimal so before you take shots for hire practice practice practice on your family, neighbors anyone you can get to sit still. You must know your equipment cold. Its almost embarrasing to the profession the amount of people who want to call themselves photographers and they cannot work the equipment they have and seem unwilling to put in the time to learn to do so

Contact your local camera club and camera store, they often have lighting classes. Community colleges and parks and rec also sometimes do this. Look in photo magazines for seminars and workshops near you to hone your skills.

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