Camera lens
A photographic lens (or more correctly, objective) is an optical lens or assembly of lenses used in conjunction with a camera body and mechanism to make images of objects either on photographic film or on other media capable of storing an image chemically or electronically.
While in principle a simple convex lens will suffice, in practice a compound lens made up of a number of optical lens elements is required to correct the many optical aberrations that arise.
There is no difference in principle between a lens used for a camera, a telescope, a microscope, or other apparatus, but the detailed design and construction are different.
A lens may be permanently fixed to a camera, or it may be interchangeable with lenses of different focal lengths and other properties.
A practical camera lens will often incorporate an aperture adjustment mechanism, often an iris diaphragm, to regulate the amount of light that may pass. A shutter, to regulate the time during which light may pass, may be incorporated within the lens assembly, or may be within the camera, or even, rarely, in front of the lens.
The lens may usually be focused by adjusting the distance from the lens assembly to the image-forming surface, or by moving elements within the lens assembly.
The lens elements are made of transparent materials. Glass is the most widely used material due to its good optical properties and resistance to scratching. Various plastics, such as acrylic (or PMMA), the material of Plexiglas, can also be used. Plastics allow the manufacture of strongly aspherical lens elements which are difficult or impossible to manufacture in glass, and which simplify or improve lens manufacture and performance. Plastics are not used for the outermost elements of all but the cheapest lenses as they scratch easily. Moulded plastic lenses have been used for the cheapest disposable cameras for many years, and have acquired a bad reputation: manufacturers of quality optics tend to use euphemisms such as "optical resin".
The maximum usable aperture of a lens is usually specified, as the focal ratio or f-number, which is equal to the focal length divided by the actual aperture diameter in the same units. The lower the number, the more light is admitted through the lens. Practical lens assemblies may also contain mechanisms to deal with measuring light, to hold the aperture open until the instant of exposure to allow SLR cameras to focus with a bright image, etc.
The two main optical parameters of a photographic lens are the focal length and the maximum aperture. The focal length determines the angle of view, the size of the image relative to that of the object, and the perspective; the maximum aperture limits the brightness of the image and the fastest shutter speed usable.
Focal lengths are usually specifed in millimeters (mm), but older lenses marked in centimeter (cm) and inches are still to be found. For a given film or sensor size, specifed by the length of the diagonal, a lens may be classified as
* Normal lens: angle of view of the diagonal about 50°, the same as the human eye: a focal length approximately equal to the diagonal produces this angle.
* Wide-angle lens: focal length shorter than normal, and angle of view wider.
* Long-focus or telephoto lens: focal length longer than normal, and angle of view narrower. A distinction is sometimes made between a long-focus lens and a true telephoto lens: the telephoto lens is designed to be physically shorter than its focal length.
The 35mm film format is so prevalent that a 90mm lens, for example, is always assumed to be a moderate telephoto; but for the 7x5cm format it is normal, while on the large 5x4 inch format it is a wide-angle.
The real difference between lenses of different focal length is not the image size, but the perspective. You can take photographs of a person stretching out a hand with a wideangle, a normal lens, and a telephoto, which contain exactly the same image size by changing your distance from the subject. But the perspective will be different. With the wideangle, the hand will be exaggeratedly large relative to the head; as the focal length increases, the emphasis on the outstretched hand decreases. However, if you take pictures from the same distance, and enlarge and crop them to contain the same view, the pictures will be truly identical. A moderate long-focus (telephoto) lens is often recommended for portraiture because the flatter perspective is considered to look more realistic.
Some lenses, called zoom lenses, have a focal length which varies as internal elements are moved, typically by rotating the barrel or pressing a button which activates an electric motor. The lens may zoom from moderate wide-angle, through normal, to moderate telephoto; or from normal to extreme telephoto. The zoom range is limited by manufacturing constraints; the ideal of a lens of large maximum aperture which will zoom from extreme wideangle to extreme telephoto is not attainable. Zoom lenses are widely used for small-format cameras of all types: still and cine cameras with fixed or interchangeable lenses. Bulk and price limit their use for larger film sizes.
The complexity of a lensâthe number of elements and their degree of asphericityâdepends upon the angle of view and the maximum aperture. An extreme wideangle lens of large aperture must be of very complex construction to correct for optical aberrations, which are worse at the edge of the field and when the edge of a large lens is used for image-forming. A long-focus lens of small aperture can be of very simple construction to attain comparable image quality; a doublet (with two elements) will often suffice. Some older cameras were fitted with "convertible" lenses of normal focal length; the front element could be unscrewed, leaving a lens of twice the focal length and angle of view, and half the aperture. The simpler half-lens was of adequate quality for the narrow angle of view and small relative aperture. Obviously the bellows had to extend to twice the normal length.
Good-quality lenses with maximum aperture no greater than f/2.8 and fixed, normal, focal length need three (triplet) or four elements (the trade name "Tessar" derives from the Greek tessera, meaning "four"). The widest-range zooms often have fifteen or more. The reflection of light at each of the many interfaces between different optical media (air, glass, plastic) seriously degraded the contrast and color saturation of early lenses, zoom lenses in particular, especially where the lens was directly illuminated by a light source. The introduction many years ago of optical coatings, and advances in coating technology over the years, have resulted in major improvements, and modern high-quality zoom lenses give images of quite acceptable contrast.
Camera lens
A photographic lens (or more correctly, objective) is an optical lens or assembly of lenses used in conjunction with a camera body and mechanism to make images of objects either on photographic film or on other media capable of storing an image chemically or electronically.
While in principle a simple convex lens will suffice, in practice a compound lens made up of a number of optical lens elements is required to correct the many optical aberrations that arise.
There is no difference in principle between a lens used for a camera, a telescope, a microscope, or other apparatus, but the detailed design and construction are different.
A lens may be permanently fixed to a camera, or it may be interchangeable with lenses of different focal lengths and other properties.
A practical camera lens will often incorporate an aperture adjustment mechanism, often an iris diaphragm, to regulate the amount of light that may pass. A shutter, to regulate the time during which light may pass, may be incorporated within the lens assembly, or may be within the camera, or even, rarely, in front of the lens.
The lens may usually be focused by adjusting the distance from the lens assembly to the image-forming surface, or by moving elements within the lens assembly.
The lens elements are made of transparent materials. Glass is the most widely used material due to its good optical properties and resistance to scratching. Various plastics, such as acrylic (or PMMA), the material of Plexiglas, can also be used. Plastics allow the manufacture of strongly aspherical lens elements which are difficult or impossible to manufacture in glass, and which simplify or improve lens manufacture and performance. Plastics are not used for the outermost elements of all but the cheapest lenses as they scratch easily. Moulded plastic lenses have been used for the cheapest disposable cameras for many years, and have acquired a bad reputation: manufacturers of quality optics tend to use euphemisms such as "optical resin".
The maximum usable aperture of a lens is usually specified, as the focal ratio or f-number, which is equal to the focal length divided by the actual aperture diameter in the same units. The lower the number, the more light is admitted through the lens. Practical lens assemblies may also contain mechanisms to deal with measuring light, to hold the aperture open until the instant of exposure to allow SLR cameras to focus with a bright image, etc.
The two main optical parameters of a photographic lens are the focal length and the maximum aperture. The focal length determines the angle of view, the size of the image relative to that of the object, and the perspective; the maximum aperture limits the brightness of the image and the fastest shutter speed usable.
Focal lengths are usually specifed in millimeters (mm), but older lenses marked in centimeter (cm) and inches are still to be found. For a given film or sensor size, specifed by the length of the diagonal, a lens may be classified as
* Normal lens: angle of view of the diagonal about 50°, the same as the human eye: a focal length approximately equal to the diagonal produces this angle.
* Wide-angle lens: focal length shorter than normal, and angle of view wider.
* Long-focus or telephoto lens: focal length longer than normal, and angle of view narrower. A distinction is sometimes made between a long-focus lens and a true telephoto lens: the telephoto lens is designed to be physically shorter than its focal length.
The 35mm film format is so prevalent that a 90mm lens, for example, is always assumed to be a moderate telephoto; but for the 7x5cm format it is normal, while on the large 5x4 inch format it is a wide-angle.
The real difference between lenses of different focal length is not the image size, but the perspective. You can take photographs of a person stretching out a hand with a wideangle, a normal lens, and a telephoto, which contain exactly the same image size by changing your distance from the subject. But the perspective will be different. With the wideangle, the hand will be exaggeratedly large relative to the head; as the focal length increases, the emphasis on the outstretched hand decreases. However, if you take pictures from the same distance, and enlarge and crop them to contain the same view, the pictures will be truly identical. A moderate long-focus (telephoto) lens is often recommended for portraiture because the flatter perspective is considered to look more realistic.
Some lenses, called zoom lenses, have a focal length which varies as internal elements are moved, typically by rotating the barrel or pressing a button which activates an electric motor. The lens may zoom from moderate wide-angle, through normal, to moderate telephoto; or from normal to extreme telephoto. The zoom range is limited by manufacturing constraints; the ideal of a lens of large maximum aperture which will zoom from extreme wideangle to extreme telephoto is not attainable. Zoom lenses are widely used for small-format cameras of all types: still and cine cameras with fixed or interchangeable lenses. Bulk and price limit their use for larger film sizes.
The complexity of a lensâthe number of elements and their degree of asphericityâdepends upon the angle of view and the maximum aperture. An extreme wideangle lens of large aperture must be of very complex construction to correct for optical aberrations, which are worse at the edge of the field and when the edge of a large lens is used for image-forming. A long-focus lens of small aperture can be of very simple construction to attain comparable image quality; a doublet (with two elements) will often suffice. Some older cameras were fitted with "convertible" lenses of normal focal length; the front element could be unscrewed, leaving a lens of twice the focal length and angle of view, and half the aperture. The simpler half-lens was of adequate quality for the narrow angle of view and small relative aperture. Obviously the bellows had to extend to twice the normal length.
Good-quality lenses with maximum aperture no greater than f/2.8 and fixed, normal, focal length need three (triplet) or four elements (the trade name "Tessar" derives from the Greek tessera, meaning "four"). The widest-range zooms often have fifteen or more. The reflection of light at each of the many interfaces between different optical media (air, glass, plastic) seriously degraded the contrast and color saturation of early lenses, zoom lenses in particular, especially where the lens was directly illuminated by a light source. The introduction many years ago of optical coatings, and advances in coating technology over the years, have resulted in major improvements, and modern high-quality zoom lenses give images of quite acceptable contrast.
How do I know what camera lens go with my camera?

Camera lenses and cameras have mount systems - the mechanical method by which a lens is attached to the camera.
Each camera manufacturer has its own mount system. So you will need to choose a lens with the same mount system as your camera. Check the manufacturers website, either of the camera, or the lenses. They will tell you which lens goes with which camera.
If you see a lens for sale somewhere, and the lens mount is not mentioned, then don't buy it. Because it likely won't work on your camera.
Camera lenses and cameras have mount systems - the mechanical method by which a lens is attached to the camera.
Each camera manufacturer has its own mount system. So you will need to choose a lens with the same mount system as your camera. Check the manufacturers website, either of the camera, or the lenses. They will tell you which lens goes with which camera.
If you see a lens for sale somewhere, and the lens mount is not mentioned, then don't buy it. Because it likely won't work on your camera.
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