what lens do you think has the most value for little price like the 50 1.8 , canon or 3rd party, right now im thinking about a fisheye for skateboard and bike shots because they only go for like 300, any other options?...not similar in performance as the 50, but in value for the money
Canon 85mm f/1.8, 55-250mm, 50mm f/1.4, 70-300mm, 18-135mm
Fisheye lenses are really annoying after some time, at least thats what I see when people sell them. You can get an effect in Photoshop or something.
Here's a Lens Buying Guide - http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/2009/11/buying-a-lens/
Canon 85mm f/1.8, 55-250mm, 50mm f/1.4, 70-300mm, 18-135mm
Fisheye lenses are really annoying after some time, at least thats what I see when people sell them. You can get an effect in Photoshop or something.
Here's a Lens Buying Guide - http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/2009/11/buying-a-lens/
tamron vs sigma lens?

Sigma - 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM
Tamron - AF 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 XR Di II
which is better? and why...
suggestions of a better choice?
it's going to be my lens upgrade from the kit lens (18-55mm)
I have canon kissx4/550d/t2i
A lab test favors the Tamron (better value for money.)
Tamron review: http://www.photozone.de/canon-eos/292-tamron-af-18-200mm-f35-63-di-ii-ld-aspherical-if-xr-macro-test-report--review?start=2
Sigma: http://www.photozone.de/canon-eos/321-sigma-af-18-200mm-f35-63-dc-os-canon-test-report--review?start=2
User reviews favor the Sigma (value for money.)
Tamron: http://www.fredmiranda.com/reviews/showproduct.php?product=311&sort=7&cat=43&page=1
Sigma: http://www.fredmiranda.com/reviews/showproduct.php?product=332&sort=7&cat=37&page=2
I'd place more trust in the lab reviews - take your time to read them in full. These guys have compared all lenses side-by-side, whereas the user reviews mostly lack reference material.
Please note that both of these lenses are inferior to the 18-200mm Canon version. And even the Canon version is simply a convenience item. If you're looking for better image quality - which your previous questions seem to imply, as does the term 'upgrade' - superzoom lenses are not what you should be spending your money on. Your 18-55mm kit lens provides better image quality. So you could consider keeping that and adding a Canon 55-200mm for cheap reach. Then use the savings to buy the next item on your list (a flash/ tripod/ larger camera bag/ ...)
For an amazing 18-200mm solution, keep these following two lenses in mind for $3500 total - this is the gold standard:
For an all-in-one lens, the Canon 18-200mm is yours for $560. The image quality is obviously not in the same league:
Then the Tamron/ Sigma lenses. They cost less than $400. Actually, the Tamron is just $240 after a rebate. For that kind of money you get zoom range but not much in terms of image quality, AF speed or build quality. Your kit lens ($200 retail) really is better in these departments.
A lab test favors the Tamron (better value for money.)
Tamron review: http://www.photozone.de/canon-eos/292-tamron-af-18-200mm-f35-63-di-ii-ld-aspherical-if-xr-macro-test-report--review?start=2
Sigma: http://www.photozone.de/canon-eos/321-sigma-af-18-200mm-f35-63-dc-os-canon-test-report--review?start=2
User reviews favor the Sigma (value for money.)
Tamron: http://www.fredmiranda.com/reviews/showproduct.php?product=311&sort=7&cat=43&page=1
Sigma: http://www.fredmiranda.com/reviews/showproduct.php?product=332&sort=7&cat=37&page=2
I'd place more trust in the lab reviews - take your time to read them in full. These guys have compared all lenses side-by-side, whereas the user reviews mostly lack reference material.
Please note that both of these lenses are inferior to the 18-200mm Canon version. And even the Canon version is simply a convenience item. If you're looking for better image quality - which your previous questions seem to imply, as does the term 'upgrade' - superzoom lenses are not what you should be spending your money on. Your 18-55mm kit lens provides better image quality. So you could consider keeping that and adding a Canon 55-200mm for cheap reach. Then use the savings to buy the next item on your list (a flash/ tripod/ larger camera bag/ ...)
For an amazing 18-200mm solution, keep these following two lenses in mind for $3500 total - this is the gold standard:
For an all-in-one lens, the Canon 18-200mm is yours for $560. The image quality is obviously not in the same league:
Then the Tamron/ Sigma lenses. They cost less than $400. Actually, the Tamron is just $240 after a rebate. For that kind of money you get zoom range but not much in terms of image quality, AF speed or build quality. Your kit lens ($200 retail) really is better in these departments.
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