Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Recommended DSLR camera..?


For beginner photographers?
I'm in high school..
and ABSOLUTELY LOVE photography.
Any recommendations?

If you are used to a compact point-and-shoot and want to overcome the shortcomings of these cameras, then consider the Nikon D60.

This camera is designed for newcomers to DSLRs and Nikon wants you to feel at home with this camera. The size and weight is just slightly more than a deluxe point-and-shoot with lots more options for those who want to take photography more seriously.

Among the major reasons for buying this camera is its sharp pictures due to Nikon's lens technology which now includes a vibration reduction lens to keep your photos steady. The sensor cleaner is a big plus to keep those images clear. You have the option of using the camera on automatic or trying out many of Nikon's built-in options for editing your shots.

There are very few negatives. If you are used to the pricing with a point-and-shoot, a DSLR camera looks like sticker shock. But when you realize all the benefits you are getting, it makes sense. Only other negative is that with more and more cameras raising the bar with mega-pixels, one wonders why Nikon couldn't have gone to a 12MP resolution in the D60. But for most of us, 10MP should be fine.

All-in-all this is one great camera value. You get the lightweight small configuration of a point-and-shoot in a DSLR with all the benefits that the D60 offers.

Nikon D60 Digital SLR Camera + Accessory Kit
KIT INCLUDES 8 PRODUCTS -- All Brand New Items with all Manufacturer-supplied Accessories + Full USA Warranties:
<#1> Nikon D60 Digital SLR Camera & 18-55mm VR Zoom Lens Outfit PLUS
<#2> Transcend 8GB HC SecureDigital Class 6 (SDHC) Card
<#3> Spare EN-EL9 Li-Ion Battery Pack
<#4> Nikon SLR System Case
<#5> USB 2.0 High Speed SecureDigital (SD) Card Reader
<#6> Digital Image Recovery Software
<#7> Memory Card Storage Wallet
<#8> Cameta Microfiber Cleaning Cloth
price: $559.95 + $18.95 shipping
reference: http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-D60-Digital-18-55mm-Accessory/dp/B00154KTXI/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=photo&qid=1239594029&sr=1-6&tag=commentglitte-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

Dslr question. Please!?

Q. I'm getting a SonyNex5N
For my birthday! :D
I'm super excited!
But I would like to know if anyone else has one.
And if they're good cameras?
Any problems? And what's the best thing about them?

Hi Oregano,

The camera you are getting is technically not a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) because it does not require the REFLEX viewing system that most advanced photographers are used to using. It does have most of the advantages of a DSLR plus a number of unique benefits. The NEX is one of a new genre of cameras call Compact System Cameras (CSC), Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Cameras (MILC) or a more or less derogatory term EVIL (Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens) type camera.

You are getting mostly negative answers from people who are very resistant to change and somehow have concluded that having a mirror system that adds mechanical complexity and design limitations is inherently inferior to a system that can use the same sensors and optical systems (or better yet smaller and lighter optics) because it uses an electronic viewing system instead of an optical one. Nothing could be further from the truth and, with good design and advanced technology the CSC type camera will probably evolve to the next generation's "DSLR":.

Sony NEX, along with Olympus & Panasonic (who jointly support the Micro Four Thirds format) and Samsung plus more recently Pentax and Nikon have all introduced their own proprietary designs of this type do you might wish to do some comparisons before committing to the Sony. The Micro Four Thirds system was the first to the market with models by Panasonic and has the widest selection of models and accessories.

In my opinion the most important consideration when selecting one of these cameras is being able to use the camera with an eye level viewing system. This should either be included in the camera body or be available as an attachment. The reason this is important is because using electronic view screens to compose a picture has inherent weaknesses in very bright light, very dim light and also tends to cause the main source of blurry images (camera movement) because people tend to move a camera more when it is held at arms length. The Sony NEX-5N does have an optional viewfinder accessory (the original NEX-5 does not accept that accessory and I would recommend avoiding that model).

Here is a link to a comparison of those models -


The other thing I consider an important consideration is how adaptable the system will be to accepting new technology. The Micro Four Thirds system has the greatest selection of accessories that will maintain overall compatibility with the Sony as the next most versatile. Unfortunately, it seems to be difficult to get a comprehensive overview of the system from SONY because most of their web pages seemed to be aimed at marketing the currently favored product over giving detailed information about the choices available.

Here are the best links I have been able to find to Micro Four Thirds choices and Sony NEX ~

(Note that there are additional pages for accessories and general information from this link)


I have noticed that while the Sony NEX camera bodies are very compact, most of the lenses do not seem to be as compact as the Panasonic and Olympus lenses so you may want to compare them if size is an important consideration.

Finally, here is a link to the camera that appears to be a real "game changer" the DSLR like Micro Four Thirds camera introduced by Olympus earlier this year. While this may be out of your price range it represents a possible "blueprint" for the future of cameras like the Sony, Panasonic and Olympus.


Hope that helps. If you need additional information feel free to contact me via my profile email.

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