Monday, January 13, 2014

Will a 400mm zoom take good pictures from the top balcony at the United Center during a hockey game?

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I go to Blackhawks games a lot (I'm obsessed with Jonathan Toews :D) and I am currently looking for a high quality DSLR camera and possibly lens. From high up, will a 400 mm zoom take high quality pictures from a very far distance? Also, if you have any camera suggestions, let me know!

No. Even if you were willing to drop $10,000 on a 400mm f/2.8 prime, your pictures from the balcony wouldn't be as good as the ones you'll see the next day in the paper. They might not even let you in carrying a setup like that. Just enjoy being there!

If you must do this, my advice is rent a DSLR and lens rather than buying. In Chicago, your best bet is Progear. Just call them up and talk to a tech, and they'll point you in the right direction in terms of what gear you need. I'll warn you, though, that they might (like me) just tell you to enjoy the game.

Best DSLR camera for film making and photography?

Q. I've decided to purchase my first dslr camera. I'm a amateur film maker so I need a camera that can handle that, with excellent video. But I also do a lot of photography, especially sports.
I'm not too concerned with costs. Basically, I want the best possible video and picture quality possible. With quality, I'm not really willing to sacrifice.
On a less important note, I have pretty small hands, so an especially large body might be a problem.

Film makers use 16 mm and 35 mm motion picture cameras and most of them rent them from a place like here

Some dSLR's have a video feature, but are NOT designed to be a primary video camera. For those you can rent them from Birns and Sawyer or buy something like those listed on this link

The above cameras are designed to produce video projects and do an excellent job

ALL video, motion picture and digital still cameras have large camera bodies, but since all but a few shots needed to produce a film/video involve the camera being mounted on a tripod, this should NOT be a problem for you.

Here is a link to the type video camera used by one of my sports shooting colleagues.

The lens he has attached to is is a Fujinon ENG Style zoom designed for 1080p

While simple $300 P&S cameras shoot both stills and video, neither are what you would want to use if your goal is excellent stills or excellent video.

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