Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What is the best DSLR camera to buy?

dslr camera lens brands on Micae Evangelicae: Sive Puncta Meditationum in Evangelia de Tempore ...
dslr camera lens brands image


I need some experienced input! I would like to buy a DSLR camera for about $700-$800. What, in your opinion, is the best camera I should get for that? What should I look for in specs? Is megapixels the most important factor per dollar? What brands have the best features? I would like to buy a camera with a lens included in the package. Thank you!

No, megapixels are not the best way to choose, All new cameras have plenty megapixels so anything over 10 will give you a poster size print. The best way to get a camera is go to a camera store that carries multiple bands and hold them and test them out. Not all cameras feel the same while shooting. The 2 big brands are Canon and Nikon, But there are more like Olympus, Panasonic, Sony Fuji and others. There are cameras better for sports then there are ones for portraits (this cost big bucks) or just a walk around camera. Most of the Canon rebels will be good and some have video. If you are planning on upgrading later you should get a camera that has a lot of choices for new lenses. You will keep a good lens longer then the camera.The Canon EOS Rebel T2i Black 18.0 MP come with the lens and has Video Around $649.00

What brand of dslr cameras do you recommend?


I'm always having trouble about what dslr cameras to buy? There's so many different kinds out there and I'm stuck.. (the prices are always changing too) What do you recommend? I really want a nice camera that's about $500-$1000, including lenses. Is it better to buy lenses separate or with? What brand do you consider top quality? Thanks.

If you don't feel like reading anything else, just get a Nikon D40.

It's a wonderful camera, and is the best entry-level DSLR out there. It's fast, lightweight, CHEAP, and opens up the entire range of Nikon lenses (the best in the world) to you.

You see, you buy an SLR for the lenses. That's where the real quality comes from. You're going to update your DSLR body every few years anyways, but lenses will last decades. You might be only able to get a D40 body now, but in five years, you might want a $2000 Nikon.

My advice is to get the D40 and to buy a very nice lens (or two).

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