Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What camera is the best for professional photography?

dslr camera lens cleaning kit on Nikon D3200 24.2 MP Digital SLR Camera With 18-105 mm VR Kit Lens & 3 ...
dslr camera lens cleaning kit image

mandy f

I'm wanting a great camera, that will provide the best quality photos. Can you please tell me what you would buy and why you think it's the best.

Thank you, and hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Don't ask for "the best" LOL.... people will show you a Hasselblad for $50.000 (body only!)

Any of the entry level DSLRs would keep you happy for a few years. I'd pick either Canon or Nikon. I have a LOT of contact with other photographers and time and time again it seems that either one of those are most likely to make their owners happy.

The most important part is to buy only the best lenses - camera bodies get upgraded, lenses stay with us.
You WILL regret buying cheap lenses.
Don't rush into buying lenses. Start with a kit lens, get to know your camera, that lens, and all photographic principles.
Through time and through use, you will eventually KNOW what other lenses you'll need/want.
The more time you'll take, the less likely you are to regret your choices.

If you know anyone close to you with a camera, consider borrowing lenses and "picking their brain" about their camera and whatever else they know.

Go to a store and hold a few cameras, see how they feel to YOU.

Keep in mind that buying a DSLR isn't cheap, even if you find a good deal for body and kit lens.

You'll also want and/or need a few other things such as tripod, filters, a bag, sensor cleaning gear, a second battery, memory cards, perhaps a remote shutter release etc.

That's just the small stuff - I can guarantee you that you'll also want more and more lenses.
You'll also want a decent flash some day.

See how that list just goes on and on?
Owning a DSLR isn't cheap - at least not until you have built up a nice stash of gear.

Just some food for thought........

Do lots of research before you buy, and start learning about photography, too.
The very best thing you can do for your photography, is to attend a class and read a few books and tutorials. Having some knowledge will make a huge difference to your images.
I hope I have expressed this idea clearly enough: YOU need to learn about photography because even the world's best camera will take lousy shots in the hands of someone who has no clue how to use it.

What DSLR camera is best for me?


Im in need of an DSLR camera for my photography. Im planning on opening up a photography site that focus' on all types of photography. Portraits, Street Photography , Landscapes and Macro are my skills.
My price range is from 100-600$. Thanks!

i suggest this...
Nikon D60 Digital SLR Camera + Accessory Kit
KIT INCLUDES 8 PRODUCTS -- All Brand New Items with all Manufacturer-supplied Accessories + Full USA Warranties:
<#1> Nikon D60 Digital SLR Camera & 18-55mm VR Zoom Lens Outfit PLUS
<#2> Transcend 8GB HC SecureDigital Class 6 (SDHC) Card
<#3> Spare EN-EL9 Li-Ion Battery Pack
<#4> Nikon SLR System Case
<#5> USB 2.0 High Speed SecureDigital (SD) Card Reader
<#6> Digital Image Recovery Software
<#7> Memory Card Storage Wallet
<#8> Cameta Microfiber Cleaning Cloth

price: $547.95 + $18.95 shipping
reference: http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-D60-Digital-18-55mm-Accessory/dp/B00154KTXI/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&s=photo&qid=1231780375&sr=1-9&tag=commentglitte-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

Hope that help.

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